August 7, 2021

AI Content Generators: Industry Specific Samples (2021)

AI Content Generators

If you’re in the B2B space, you already know how important it is to create content on a regular basis. Whether you’re targeting more brand awareness, lead generation, or revenue, all you need to look out for is a solid content strategy

However, most businesses today face two major challenges. 

Quick fact: businesses that write blogs regularly get 

126% more leads than the ones who don’t. 

First, they’re unable to find the sweet spot between optimizing their content for SEO and their readers. Second, they’re stuck up in the manual and repetitive content creation processes that delay going live by days, and even weeks in some cases.

Both these challenges, if not handled right, can have a direct impact on your marketing goals for this year. And it most certainly won’t be the most favorable one. 

That’s why, if you really wish to grow your business, you need to do things faster, while making sure that search engines love your content piece. Thankfully, automation and AI content generators are here to save your day and your business from the nasty competition! 

Or are they?

In this article, we’ll be discussing everything you need to know about AI content generator tools and how they’d be helpful for you. 

We’ve handpicked the top 10 ones, categorized them industry-wise, and added their samples… 

…so that you won’t have to spend your free-trial duration testing if a particular tool is really meant for you or not. 

(There, we just saved your precious 7 days!)

Now, let’s begin by answering what exactly are content generation tools?

What are AI content generators?

Imagine having a little robot that does all the heavy lifting for you—writing ebooks, blogs, website content, ad copies, sales emails, you name it. 

All you’d have to do is give commands while being in command, and voila! You’d have awesome, SEO-friendly content served to you on a platter within minutes. 

ai content generator

*snaps fingers* 

Back to reality yet? 

Well, no matter how too-good-to-be-true this sounds, this is exactly what content generators try to achieve. 

Content generators or AI content writing tools are software that makes human intervention in content creation almost non-existent. They aim at automating any content process that is repetitive and time-consuming by providing a long, contextual output based on your few-liner inputs.

(Imagine the growth you’d see in your business when you shift your focus from writing 2000+ blogs every day to your core activities!)

Thus, they save you and your content team a bucket-load of time and effort, while effectively managing expenses and growing your revenue.

But… How do they work?

Now, here comes the interesting part.  

AI content writing bots use Machine Learning (ML) to conduct research, check grammar and tone, and write articles. 

They leverage Natural Language Processing (NLP) to make sense of the text and automatically perform tasks like translation, provide recommendations, or topic classification. 

Through these tools, the slow process of writing content can be sped up, helping writers produce much more content in way less time—with ease and confidence. 

Also, most AI content generation tools use GTP-3 today, a new technology that is better at creating content than anything that has come before it. 

It stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 and contains approximately 570 GB of text information from the internet. 

Thus, it can do almost anything and everything you ask for—answer questions, write articles, summarize essays, produce a blog outline, and much more.

What can AI content generators do?

Here’s what a content lifecycle looks like. 

content lifecycle

Most content writing tools help us with Stage 3 (Producing) along with bits and pieces of Stage 2 (Planning) and Stage 4 (Managing)

However, with continuous upgrades, content generators today have begun automating almost every stage in the content lifecycle, including strategizing. 

Here’s what these tools can write, but do not limit themselves to:

  • Ad copies
    • Facebook Ads
    • Google Ads
    • LinkedIn Ads
  • Website and landing page copies
  • Sales copies
  • Blogs and articles
  • Blog outlines
  • Social media content
  • Product descriptions
  • Video scripts
  • Email content
  • SEO meta tags

… and much more!

Can a content generator replace my content team?

Let’s face it. 

While AI is smart, humans are smarter. 

No matter how amazing an AI content generator is, it should never fully replace a human, even if you feel it can. Your content team is, and will always be your little bunch of superheroes! 

However, it sure can help you out during those days when your team is jam-packed with work, or if you’re facing difficulties in hiring the right talent. 

Also, it would be better than outsourcing ANYDAY (unless you plan on emptying your wallet on the same content an AI writing tool would produce at half the cost.)

Here are some reasons (and situations) why (and when) you should consider using a content generator:

1. Writer’s block

If your team claims that they don’t experience writer’s block…

They’re lying. Big time. 

We all have our days when we sit down to write and keep staring at that blinking cursor of death instead. 

Such is the case where you should start playing around with an AI writing tool. 

The best part is that even if you don’t want the tool to do it all for you, you can just get an article outline to get the ball rolling. 

writer's block

2. Lack of experience across different niches

It’s good to realize that your team won’t be perfect at everything. 

You can’t expect your technical blog writers to be good at writing sales copies, and vice versa. 

Therefore, instead of hiring a new copywriter/content person, you can save your resources for later and explore the vast list of AI content and copywriting tools available to you. 

We’ll be covering them next!

3. Excessive workload

It’s important to look at your team’s workload and mental health as well. Saying “it’s just one more blog” wouldn’t work if your team’s already working on 10 projects at a time. 

Again, because your team has a limited capacity and takes more time to complete the work, you can choose to automate the content creation process. 

This would drastically reduce their work volume. Moreover, it would also motivate them to take up much more important tasks by delegating the rest to these human-like writing tools.

4. Inconsistency in maintaining brand voice

It might become challenging for your content team to maintain the brand voice, especially if they all have a different approach. As a result, your messaging might become off-brand and sway away from being customer-centric.

However, this can be tackled easily with an AI tool as you can add the exact choice of tone you want your content piece to have. We’ll see how that works, keep scrolling!

5. Lack of Ideas

Writing blogs and social media content is a lot more than just framing your write-ups around high search volume keywords and trendy topics. 

You need to engage your audience and make them come back wanting more. However, you reach a place at some point where you’ve exhausted all your existing content ideas. 

In such a case, you can turn to content-generating tools to spark your imagination and come up with awesome topics. We’re sure you’ll get your “aha moment!”

Now that we’ve covered all our basics, let’s dive deeper into the top 10 content generators that would help your content team produce content like a boss! 

But before that, remember…

Using an AI content generator ≠ more success with content 

End of the day, it wouldn’t matter if you’ve produced the content manually or automatically. 

The only thing that guarantees more SQLs, brand awareness, and engagement with your content is the right content strategy.

Your content team shouldn’t create content and then work on aligning it with your marketing strategy. That’s the first step to absolutely NOT getting results. 

Instead, you should have a tailored, SEO-first content strategy that guides your content team on what they should do next. 

Top AI content generators that think and write like humans

And this is the moment you’ve been waiting for! 

In this section, we’d be discussing the best AI content generators that would help you cut down your writing time by at least half. 

We’ve categorized the tools based on industry-specific tools (SaaS, Marketing, and B2B Digital Transformation Companies), and functionalities (SEO blogs, copywriting)

We mainly tested them for blog posts, emails, and ad copies. Let’s begin discussing all of them, one at a time. 

Best content generators for the SaaS (Software as a Service) Industry

After conducting extensive research for almost all the AI writing tools available today, we handpicked a few that fit best for the SaaS industry. 

Here’s the input we gave to each tool: 

“Proven SaaS Retention Strategies That Boost Growth

Also, we kept the tone as “engaging” and “friendly” wherever possible. 

Check them out!

1. Jasper

Feature Overview: 

  • SEO Blogs and articles
  • Blog outline
  • Blog ideas 
  • Copywriting (AIDA framework)
  • Product description 
  • Content improver 
  • Sentence expander
  • Facebook ads
  • Google ads
  • Amazon product features and description
  • Quora answers
  • Website and landing page copies
  • Social media copies
  • Emails
  • Video copies


  • Starter: $29/month, $288/year
  • Pro: $109/month, $1080/year
  • Boss mode: $119/month, $1188/year

Free Trial:

Not available. Offers 7-day money-back guarantee. 


Blog Post Introduction

Are you looking to increase the growth of your company? Retention is a key factor in driving growth, and there are proven strategies that can help. In this blog post, we will take a look at how B2B companies have increased their retention by focusing on customer success.  By implementing these strategies, you can create lasting connections with customers and retain them for longer periods of time.  Let’s dive into what these strategies entail! 

Ad Copies

Attention: You’ve heard it before. Retaining customers is the key to success in any business. But how do you actually do that?

Interest: We know what works and we have a proven system for helping your company retain more customers, grow faster, and make more money. It starts with understanding your customer’s needs and wants, then using our retention strategies to keep them happy so they stay on board.

Desire: Our team of experts will work with you to create personalized plans that are tailored specifically for your company’s unique needs. With our help, you’ll be able to increase revenue by upselling products or services while keeping your current customers happy! And best of all – it won’t cost anything upfront! Just sign up for a free trial today!

Action: Click this ad right now and sign up for a free trial of Spear Growth!

Google Ads

Retain customers for life and increase your customer lifetime value (CLV) with proven retention strategies. 

Facebook Ads

How do you keep your SaaS customers from churning?

Retention is the key to growth. And it’s not easy! The average SaaS company loses 77% of its customers within a year. That means most companies are losing out on an enormous amount of revenue and new opportunities for their business. We can help, though! Our retention experts have helped over 500 companies retain more than $1 billion in annual recurring revenue by using our proven strategies that work every time. Learn how we did it here:

Sales Emails


I was told you might like a little help with your retention strategy. I’m guessing this is because of lackluster growth in the past few months?

My name is ____ and I am part of the Spear Growth team. We specialize in SaaS Retention Strategies that significantly boost growth for our customers. We have helped companies grow from 0 to 100s or 1000s of users/customers faster than they ever imagined possible. And we’d love to chat with you about how we can do the same for you!

When would be a good time to catch up on the phone? Let me know what works best for your schedule and we’ll get it scheduled ASAP! Looking forward to talking soon.

2. Writesonic

Feature Overview: 

  • SEO Blogs and articles
  • Blog outlines
  • Blog ideas 
  • Copywriting (AIDA and PAS framework)
  • Product description 
  • Content rephraser & expander
  • Facebook ads 
  • Google ads
  • Amazon product features and description
  • Website and landing page copies
  • Social media copies
  • Emails
  • Press releases
  • Company and personal bios
  • Startup ideas
  • YouTube video copies
  • Growth Ideas
  • Product Names


  • Starter: $13.05/month, $135/year
  • Professional: $44.55/month, $480/year
  • Business: $224.55/month, $2424/year

Free Trial:



Blog Post Introduction

You know that feeling when you’ve been using a product for two weeks and you’re already like, “I can’t live without this!”

But what if you could get your customers to feel that way after only one week?

What if you could get them to feel that way after just a few days?

Retaining customers is one of the most important parts of any business, and it’s something that every business owner on the planet should be focused on.

Here are a few proven strategies that will help you develop long-term, loyal customers.

Ad Copies

Attention: Do you have a SaaS product that is struggling to keep users engaged?

Interest: Our proven strategies can help you retain your users and increase the lifetime value of each customer. We’ll also show you how to grow your revenue by identifying the best upsell opportunities.

Desire: You’ll learn how to leverage social media, email marketing, and other marketing channels to drive more leads. We’ll even help you create a personalized onboarding process that will make users want to come back for more!

Action: Click this ad now so we can show you how Spear Growth helped other SaaS companies retain their users and boost growth!

Google Ads

Best Saas Retention Strategies – Boost Growth with These Proven Tactics

Do you want your Saas Company to Get the Best Customers? We have the proven strategies to do just that. Harness these strategies and watch your business grow. Get our eBook for free.

Facebook Ads

Professional SaaS marketers reveal the best methods for increasing customer retention rates. Whether you own a SaaS company and want to increase your revenue or you’re thinking about giving it a go, these proven strategies will help you get the most out of your marketing budget. Check it out here:

Sales Email

Hi [name],

I have been following your blog for a long time. I really appreciate the insights you share on growing SaaS businesses. I am writing to let you know about a new product we have developed that helps SaaS companies retain their customers. It is called [product name] and it helps SaaS companies do the following:

-Increase the customer lifetime value

-Boost customer retention

-Get more referrals

Please let me know if you would like to learn more about this product. We can also help you integrate it into your business. We’ll pay for your time.

Thank you,

[Your Signature]

3. SmartWriter 

Feature Overview: 

  • SEO blogs and articles
  • Copywriting (AIDA and PAS framework)
  • Facebook ads 
  • Google ads
  • Amazon product features and description
  • Social media copies
  • eCommerce product descriptions
  • Reachout via LinkedIn
  • Personalized emails
  • Website and landing page copy


  • Basic plan: $59/month
  • Popular plan: $149/month
  • Pro plan: $299/month

Free Trial:



Blog Post Introduction

SaaS is a forward-thinking business model. It is also a very difficult one to build because requirements shift, your customers will try to cut costs by reducing your service, and your employees will all have different ideas on how to get more value out of it. In fact, successful SaaS companies are consistently talking about how they have handled customer retention issues. What’s more, we have access to massive amounts of data related to customer retention.

Ad Copies

Attention: Here are 7 retention strategies that you can use today to beat churn.

Interest: This blog post will walk you through the benefits and provide you with a checklist of the things you need to do.

Desire: You’re not going to find them anywhere else

Action: Check out the blog post to take positive steps towards retaining more customers:

Google Ads

The first-ever solution to providing customers a way to track their SaaS analytics & make better decisions faster.

Facebook Ads

Do you want to improve your membership retention rate, but don’t know where to start? In this webinar, Scott will uncover some key strategies that you can seamlessly integrate into your online or offline marketing efforts which will rapidly drive quality leads and new paying customers without forcing the sale too early in the process. 

LinkedIn Reachout

Hi, Great to connect to you through LinkedIn. I came across your profile and saw that you are Director of Marketing for XYZ Limited. I’m the owner of a leading SaaS startup company called ABC Limited. Here’s why I’m reaching out to you:  – We are looking for 20 beta users of our new product ABC. We need 20 beta users within the next 5 weeks. We can easily get back in touch with you and send you our product within the next 5 weeks. We will schedule a 30 min call where you can see how our product works. Our tool can drastically improve how your team can work together and achieve more. Do let me know if you are interested in our product or like to learn more. We’d really appreciate your help. 

4. Copysmith

Feature Overview: 

  • SEO Blogs and articles
  • Blog outline
  • Blog ideas 
  • Copywriting (AIDA framework)
  • Content enhancer
  • Article summary
  • Facebook ads
  • Google ads
  • LinkedIn ads
  • Amazon product features and description
  • FAQ ideas
  • Website and landing page copies
  • Social media copies (Instagram)
  • Emails
  • Video copies
  • Pain-benefit solution
  • Press release
  • Unique value proposition 


  • Starter: $19/month
  • Professional: $59/month
  • Enterprise: Custom plan. 

Free Trial:



Blog Post Introduction

Improving retention rates and increasing customer lifetime value is one of the most important aspects of growing a SaaS business. In this informative blog post, you’ll learn about 10 proven strategies to increase customer lifetime value and lower the churn rate.

Ad Copies

Attention: Will your product retain customers long-term?

Interest: How to retain customers in SaaS products.

Desire: Retaining customers in SaaS products is a must.

Action: Find proven retention tactics for your SaaS product.

Google Ads

Retention Growth Marketing – SaaS | 11 Types Of Emails That Grow Your SaaS Business | Increase Your Customer Lifetime Value

Building an effective and professional company culture takes years of hard work and dedication. Making your vision a reality requires not only smart business practices, but also the right values to guide you along the way.

Facebook Ads

Optimize the growth of your SaaS by automating onboarding and customer success

Get more customers by making your product stickier Company: Lambda School Description: We believe that the best way to learn to code is from doing.

Sales Email

Hi [Name],

I’m reaching out to you because your company is at a pivotal point in your growth strategy. As you know, the success of your business depends on your ability to drive user adoption. And the best way to drive user adoption is by focusing on the user experience and retention.

Which is why I’m reaching out to you. We’re a SaaS with proven SaaS retention strategies that boost growth. And we’d love to make sure your next steps are the right ones.


With this, we’ve covered the best content generators for the SaaS industry. Now, let’s move on to the next industry.

Best content generators for the Marketing Industry

For the marketing industry, we tested the content generators for blog intros, ad copies, social media, and landing page copies

Here’s the input we gave to each tool: 

“Marketing Strategy For Educational Institutions

Check out the ones that gave the best results.


Feature Overview: 

  • SEO blogs and articles
  • Blog outline
  • Blog ideas 
  • Copywriting (AIDA, PAS, BAB framework)
  • Facebook ads
  • Google ads
  • LinkedIn ads
  • Product description and benefits
  • Website and landing page copies
  • Social media copies 


  • Solo: $35/month
  • Multiple seats:  Custom plan

Free Trial:



Blog post introduction

A blog on how you can improve the marketing strategy of your educational institution. It will start with a discussion on the various marketing mix elements for educational institutions, their growth drivers, and the final will be a case study on how Torrance Unified School district in California has successfully implemented their marketing strategy through PPC.

Ad Copies

Attention: This blog is a place where you can focus on marketing strategy for educational institutions, small-to-medium businesses, and enterprise companies.

Interest: Marketing strategies are always evolving. That is why the Marketing Strategy blog is here, to help you stay on top of the latest trends in marketing and business development for your educational institution.

Desire: Even if you aren’t interested in the latest trends in your industry, you’ll find plenty of links to other marketing blogs and resources that will help you learn more about online and offline marketing.

Action: Click below to read the latest posts! Welcome to our blog!

Google Ads

Learn How You Can Improve and Increase Revenue

Examples in this Marketing Strategy for educational institutions will help you to market your business better.

Facebook Ads

How can I promote my products? Spear Growth provides turnkey marketing solutions for educational institutions. All marketing services are provided at exclusive, fixed prices to eliminate the uncertainty of pricing models.

LinkedIn Ads

Online Marketing Done Right, For Your Business – Learn to grow your company with Business Online Marketing strategies.


Hey there 👀 I can honestly say that I am the best and most effective marketer in the Educational sector because here are the reasons; 1. 25+ Experience which gives me the ability to understand and analyze your challenges at ease even if you have…

Video Titles

Marketing Strategy For Educational Institutions (For Marketers, CMO, Business Owner)

Youtube Description Intro 

Marketing Strategy For Educational Institutions (For Marketers, CMO, Business Owner) This video breaks down the 3 step process for helping educational institutions market their institution better to potential students and ensure that you are meeting their needs.

Landing Page Text

The Ultimate Marketing Strategy For Educational Institutions


Learn the latest marketing strategy for educational institutions, marketers, CMOs, business owners. This is all about Marketing and Strategy to attract more clients and gain more customers.

2. Copysmith 

Feature Overview: 

  • SEO Blogs and articles
  • Blog outline
  • Blog ideas 
  • Copywriting (AIDA framework)
  • Content enhancer
  • Article summary
  • Facebook ads
  • Google ads
  • LinkedIn ads
  • Amazon product features and description
  • FAQ ideas
  • Website and landing page copies
  • Social media copies (Instagram)
  • Emails
  • Video copies
  • Pain-benefit solution
  • Press release
  • Unique value proposition 


  • Starter: $19/month
  • Professional: $59/month
  • Enterprise: Custom plan. 

Free Trial: Available 


Blog Post Introduction

Educational institutions are one of the most important sectors of the business world, as they are responsible for the development and progress of students. This is why it is essential for such educational institutions to understand marketing and how to market themselves to ensure optimum results in terms of their performance.

Ad Copies

Attention: Find out how you can use marketing strategy to grow your educational institution.

Interest: Learn more about the best strategies for modern marketing in education.

Desire: Get to know the tools and resources used to create a successful marketing strategy for education.

Action: Take advantage of the most effective and efficient marketing strategies in education today.

Google Ads

A Unique Marketing Strategy For Educational Institutions | Increase Your Business At The Lowest Cost | Strong Marketing Strategy For Educational Institutions.

Facebook Ads

Without a doubt, the best option for marketing online.

Linkedln Ads

Modern educational institutions have reinvented themselves to address new challenges, new opportunities, and new demands. Download our eBook to see how you can apply proven principles to the modern educational environment.


We’ve produced a marketing and communication plan for you. Here are some of our ideas for how to get the word out about your programs. This is just a sample! We can help you with all of your communication needs, from the big picture to the small details.

Youtube Description Intro

Marketing strategies are really important for the effective growth and development of an educational institution. Since the market is dynamic, sometimes consistent efforts have to be made in all aspects; be it online or offline (offline mostly consists of word of mouth publicity). Here is a compilation of effective marketing strategies adopted by educational institutes.

Landing Page Text

Friendly Marketing is a marketing strategy for educational institutions. We develop and implement marketing plans that drive traffic and increase enrollment.

3. Writesonic

Feature Overview: 

  • SEO Blogs and articles
  • Blog outlines
  • Blog ideas 
  • Copywriting (AIDA and PAS framework)
  • Product description 
  • Content rephraser & expander
  • Facebook ads 
  • Google ads
  • Amazon product features and description
  • Website and landing page copies
  • Social media copies
  • Emails
  • Press releases
  • Company and personal bios
  • Startup ideas
  • YouTube video copies
  • Growth Ideas
  • Product Names


  • Starter: $13.05/month, $135/year
  • Professional: $44.55/month, $486/year
  • Business: $224.55/month, $2424.60/year

Free Trial: Available 


Blog Post Introduction

A marketing strategy is a plan for how your institution will position themselves and communicate to their audiences. Marketing strategies are critical for increasing student enrollment and retaining current students.But what does a marketing strategy look like?This article will walk you through the process of developing a marketing strategy for an educational institution.

Ad Copies

Attention: Are you tired of not getting enough clients?

Interest: We have a proven marketing strategy that will help you get more clients and make more money.

Desire: Our marketing system is designed to help you grow your business by attracting new clients, converting them into paying customers, and keeping them coming back for more.

Action: Click this ad now so we can schedule an introductory call where we’ll discuss what it is exactly that will make you feel more alive!

Google Ads

Why Saas for Education?  A Marketing Strategy For Educational Institutions. Generate leads and customers with our dynamic marketing campaigns. We offer a full suite of marketing solutions for your institution.

Facebook Ads

Are you looking for a marketing strategy for an educational institution? With SpearGrowth, help is just a click away. We offer comprehensive marketing services to educational institutions: from branding and design, to website development and content management.

With SpearGrowth, you can be sure your institution will have the best marketing strategy ever.

Linkedln Ads

SpearGrowth is a marketing strategy agency for educational institutions. We offer marketing, public relations and event management services to help you create the best possible identity.

Sales Email

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you on behalf of [company name] regarding your educational institution. We have a marketing strategy that we believe will help you attract more students and generate more revenue. We can help you with this. Please let me know if you are interested in learning more about our marketing strategy for educational institutions.

Thank you,

[Your Signature]


Feature Overview: 

  • SEO Blogs and articles
  • Blog outlines
  • Blog ideas 
  • Copywriting (AIDA, PAS, and BAB framework)
  • Content rewriter & expander
  • Facebook ads
  • Google ads
  • Amazon product features and description
  • Website and landing page copies
  • Social media copies
  • Emails
  • YouTube video copies
  • Product review generator
  • Customer review response
  • Quora answers
  • Tweet Ideas
  • One-liner tweets


  • Starter: $25/month, $300/year
  • Growth: $165/month, $1980/year
  • Enterprise: Custom plan.

Free Trial: Available 


Blog Post Introduction

Educational institutions are struggling to get the attention of their target market. Given the competitive market, it has become difficult for educational institutes to excel in the competitive market. This blog aims at finding the marketing strategy for educational institutions.

Ad copies

Pain: Preparing to enter the marketplace requires all sorts of new skills and expertise. You’re going to need help with marketing strategies, sales techniques, branding, etc.

Agitate: So many people come out of school feeling unprepared to do anything besides hold down a job. They thought they were going to learn how to be a small business owner, but during school, you only learned about competing in the marketplace and working for a living.

Solution: College is supposed to prepare you for the world, but in today’s digital economy it’s become more like an internship than training. The education you get in school won’t help you in the real world. But thanks to today, there are still new opportunities.

Google Ad

Headline 1: A step-by-step marketing plan for educational institutions.

Headline 2: Showcase your brand and generate lifelong customers.

Headline 3: Generate revenue, expand your marketing efforts, and build a strong brand.

Description: This book will teach you how to market your educational institution better than your competitors.

Facebook Ad

Admissions Marketing: Why Prospects Often Don’t Understand Your Website And How To Get Them To.


📢 Use this diagram to improve your marketing strategy for educational institutions.

Video Titles

Top 5 Marketing Strategies For Higher Education: discuss the most important strategies used by educational institutions to market themselves.

Landing Page Text

Learn more about how to market your educational institution with these tips and strategies to help you plan your marketing budget and reach your target audience.

5. Headlime

Feature Overview: 

  • Blog to headline
  • Blog ideas 
  • Copywriting
  • Facebook ads
  • Google ads
  • Website and landing page copies
  • Social media copies
  • Emails
  • YouTube video copies
  • Product description
  • Testimonials
  • Livechat
  • Popups
  • CTA buttons


  • Starter: $35/month, $300/year
  • Growth: $199/month, $1980/year
  • Enterprise: Custom plan.

Free Trial:



Blog Ideas

The Benefits of Science Displays In Classrooms: A Resource For Educators.

Top 10 marketing strategies for Educational Institutions.

SEO for Academia: How to Improve an Academic Institution’s Rankings.

Ad copies

You’re bogged down by external forces, your questions are going unanswered. SpearGrowth is dedicated to optimizing every measurable aspect of marketing strategy for educational institutions and we can grow alongside you.

Google Ad

Headline 1: Right Marketing For Some Specific Needs | Digital Innovations Dismantling Obstacles.

Headline 2: Digitizing Brands | Staying Cutting-Edge

Headline 3: Personalized Strategies | Marketing Consultant Team | Animation Strategy Creation.

Description: Looking for a marketing company that offers Marketing Strategy For Educational Institutions? Chat with our expert team of marketers to find out more.

Facebook Ad

An educational institution’s marketing and PR are your frontline in the competitive environment that is college education. For an impactful solution, turn to SpearGrowth Solutions for Marketing Strategy!

Tag Line

Service-oriented marketing company for educational institutions.

Landing Page Text

Learn more about how to market your educational institution with these tips and strategies to help you plan your marketing budget and reach your target audience.

With this, we’ve covered all the tools for the marketing industry. 

Now, it’s time for us to move to the last one. 

Best content generators for the B2B Digital Transformation Industry

For the digital transformation industry, we’ve mainly selected the tools based on how well they generate blogs, ad copies, and emails.

Here’s the input we gave to each tool: 

“Creating Value From Digitization In B2B”

Check them out!

1. Writesonic

Feature Overview: 

  • SEO Blogs and articles
  • Blog outlines
  • Blog ideas 
  • Copywriting (AIDA and PAS framework)
  • Product description 
  • Content rephraser & expander
  • Facebook ads 
  • Google ads
  • Amazon product features and description
  • Website and landing page copies
  • Social media copies
  • Emails
  • Press releases
  • Company and personal bios
  • Startup ideas
  • YouTube video copies
  • Growth Ideas
  • Product Names


  • Starter: $13.05/month, $135/year
  • Professional: $44.55/month, $480.60/year
  • Business: $224.55/month, $2424.60/year

Free Trial:



Blog introduction

A lot has been said about the importance of digitizing one’s business in the B2B environment. The question is how to make it happen? In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of digitization in an effort to better understand how to implement it. A brief overview of digitization in the B2B industry is that it is the process of converting the analog world into a digital one.

Ad copies

Attention: Are you looking to scale your business with digital innovation?

Interest: We are a B2B Digital Transformation company. We help companies grow and scale their performance through the power of big data.

Desire: Our team of data scientists, strategists and designers will work with you to create a customized digital strategy that will help your business grow.

Action: Click this ad now for more information about how we can help you scale your performance!

Google ads

 B2B Digital Transformation – Grow With Big Data

 If you want to grow and scale your company’s performance. Spear     Growth is here for you. We will help you to make better decisions with the power of big data. We’re your partner in growth and success.

Facebook ads

Are you looking for the best way to grow your company?

We have a solution.

Spear Growth is a B2B Digital Transformation and Marketing company that helps you transform your business with the power of big data.

Learn more about our services today.

LinkedIn ads

Spear Growth is a B2B Digital Transformation company that helps   companies grow and scale their performance through the power of big data.

Sales emails

Hi X,

We have been providing big data services to top fortune 500 companies for    years. Our offerings are best in the market.

Our team has extensive experience in this area and we would love to share our knowledge with you. We can schedule a call to discuss how we can help you.

Please let me know if you are interested.


[Your Signature]

2. SmartWriter 

Feature Overview: 

  • SEO blogs and articles
  • Copywriting (AIDA and PAS framework)
  • Facebook ads 
  • Google ads
  • Amazon product features and description
  • Social media copies
  • eCommerce product descriptions
  • Reachout via LinkedIn
  • Website and landing page copy


  • Basic plan: $59/month
  • Popular plan: $149/month
  • Pro plan: $299/month

Free Trial:



Blog Post Introduction

As a B2B business, you’re at the forefront of countless changes that are reshaping the way that business gets done. Your clients are exploring digital channels – like social media and mobile – to interact with their customers. They’re also restructuring their businesses with new technology and updated business models – including cloud computing and crowdsourcing – to comply with and capitalize on trends like the rise of big data.

Ad copies


In a digitized world, the opportunity to innovate is equal to the need for it.


Transform your enterprise with a holistic approach to digitization to save time, money, and stress.


Combine your strongest assets with software and digital solutions to gain a competitive advantage.


Use our services and solutions to help digitize your sales, marketing, service, and support operations.

Google Ad

Creating Value From Digitization In B2B

The largest study of its kind on digitization in B2B. Gain knowledge about how your competitors, peers, and colleagues use digitization to create value.

Facebook Ad

Digitization technology has emerged as a new opportunity for improving B2B services. Salespeople are now relying on automated processes, sales and marketing professionals have started using machine learning techniques for identifying prospects and personalized sales offers. At Spear Growth, we offer strategic business transformation & consulting aimed to generate value from digitization in B2B

Sales Email

Subject Line- How are you taking advantage of digitization in the B2B sector?

Intro Lines: 

  1. The digital revolution is enabling growth and high profits in many markets. Digitization helps gather data from many users, enabling new business models and hence growth. 
  2. Besides gathering new data, digitization helps reduce costs and increase productivity. The savings from digitization can be used to increase profits. 
  3. By digitizing its operations, the company can expand its business more easily, reaching more potential customers. 
  4. Customers have to be able to choose between multiple offerings. This requires both innovation and costs. 
  5. By digitizing its operations, the company can have higher customer satisfaction. This results in higher profits.

3. Snazzy AI

Feature Overview: 

  • Tagline Generator
  • Landing Page Copy Generator
  • Google Ads Generator
  • Investor Emails Generator
  • Product Descriptions Generator
  • Sales Email Generator
  • Blog Ideas Generator
  • New Product Idea Generator
  • Facebook Primary Text Creator
  • TikTok Video Ideas Generator
  • Facebook Ads Generator


  • Monthly: $49/month
  • Annual: $25/month

Free Trial:



Blog Post Intro

There will be a fundamental shift in the way that digitization is being approached in business-to-business (B2B) environments. Rather than looking to “digitize” the same processes that have been in place for decades, businesses will begin to rethink what the digital space can do for them and how the processes they already have in place can be evolved into a hybrid where digital and analog concepts and technologies are combined. They are increasingly realizing the enormous potential of digitization to create new value, and at the same time, they are becoming increasingly aware of how the Internet of Things can be used to capture data about customers and users, processes, products, and services.

Ad copies

Pain Benefit Solution:

With digitization in B2B, it can be hard to grow. With Spear growth solutions, you can grow your business.

Google Ads

Digital Transformation in B2B. Digital Innovation for Corporates. Professional Growth Services. Innovation By Design. Strategic Planning & Consulting. Digital Transformation. Analytics, Cloud Computing, Sales Automation. How to Create Value From Digitization in B2B.

LinkedIn Ads

Reach your key prospects with LinkedIn’s powerful targeting tools. Inbound works. Learn how you can reach your prospects in a more convenient way with LinkedIn.

Sales email

Hi {!first_name},

Spear Growth is a B2B growth consultancy that helps businesses develop and launch highly effective and scalable strategies. Based on reviewing {!company}’s business, I believe there is a great opportunity to discuss further.

How is your availability to catch up for 15 min this week?

Best regards,


Feature Overview: 

  • SEO blogs and articles
  • Blog outline
  • Blog ideas 
  • Copywriting (AIDA, PAS, BAB framework)
  • Facebook ads
  • Google ads
  • LinkedIn ads
  • Product description and benefits
  • Website and landing page copies
  • Social media copies 


  • Solo: $35/month
  • Multiple seats:  Custom plan

Free Trial:



Blog Post Introduction

In B2B, where the services provided are the basis of every business transaction, digitization has transformed how businesses create, exchange, and capture value. This happens in two ways. First is re-engineering processes with the aid of technology that helps business people to do their core jobs faster and more efficiently. The second is embedding information throughout the organization, which includes making almost everything inside an enterprise a digital asset.

Ad copy

Attention: So far, digitization has disappointed people in the B2B sector.

Interest: The value of digitization is still stuck at the enterprise level, but it’s time to redefine and deliver true value at the individual level.

Desire: This presentation looks at seven industries where digitization has created tangible value for people in the field. There are many more opportunities to do so

Action: Register for this online executive briefing now!

Google Ad

We create digital solutions that empower organizations to drive efficiency, increase transparency, optimize processes and collaborate across borders.

Facebook Ad

New software and hardware platforms are changing how industries operate. In B2B, digitization is happening through the following trends: Cloud computing, data analytics, API-first architectures, open ecosystems, and the Internet of Things. This presentation will explore these trends, where they intersect, and how to create value within them.

Linkedin Ad

Digitization is creating unforeseen opportunities across the enterprise. This whitepaper helps B2B companies better understand the profit, efficiency, and competitive advantages they can unlock.

Sales email


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Phew, that was one heck of a long list. 

Also, it’s noteworthy how these tools take up a vast number of jobs. From idea generation to articles, video scripts to product names, it’s almost crazy! 

However, most entrepreneurs, writers, and companies are mainly looking to automate their SEO blog writing and copywriting

In such cases, you wouldn’t be using the rest of the features of these tools, regardless of how appealing they are, but would still end up paying for them. 

And… that’s not cool.  

It’s like going for a super-value burger meal with medium fries and coke. 

Although it’s still a great deal, you never really wanted it in the first place. I mean, wouldn’t you have been just fine without it too? 

So, similarly, why pay for the extra features when you can just focus on the delicious, juicy patty?

Here are a few AI writing tools that focus mainly on SEO blog writing and copywriting—exactly what you need for your business. 

Best content generators for blog writing

1. Kafkai

When we’re talking about article writing tools, Kafkai definitely has to be on that list. It offers 3 modes: Niche Article Writer, Advanced Niche Article Writer with Seeding, and General Writer with Seeding. 

If you’re in a hurry and don’t have a specific article subject in mind, the first one produces a random article for you. The other two are the best option if you already have a specific subject in mind. However, you’d need to write a small paragraph first (seed paragraph) and the tool would do the rest, within minutes.

Thus, just with a little editing, you can get high-quality articles within no time. 


Writer: $29/month

Newsroom: $49/month

Printing Press: $129/month

Industrial Printer: $199/month

Free Trial: 

Available. Offers 30-day money-back guarantee. 

2. Article Forge

This content generator generates a high-quality article in under 60 seconds! The first step is to add your keyword, sub-keywords (optional), article length, and any other requirements into the system. Then, all you have to do is wait and you’ll receive your article in the next few seconds!

It can write on almost any niche, including technology, business, health, finance, and many more. Also, any piece of content that you generate here is guaranteed to be 100% free of plagiarism. 


Monthly: $57/month

Yearly: $27/month

Free Trial: 

Available. Offers 30-day money-back guarantee. 

3. SEO Content Machine

When it comes to generating SEO-friendly content with AI writing tools, SEO Content Machine is one of the best options. Apart from their article creator and writing assistant, it also offers an image/video finder, WordPress poster (scheduling blogs), re-writing and translating tool, and much more!


Monthly: $27/month

Quarterly: $57/month

Yearly: $120/month

Perpetual: $197/month

Free Trial: 

Available. Offers 30-day money-back guarantee. 

4. Articoolo

This one is another AI writing tool that makes the content creation process quicker, cost-effective, and much more fun. Just with a few inputs, you can generate long-form articles without worrying about plagiarism. 

Another cool feature that this tool has is the article rewriter. If you feel that you could do much better with your existing content, this content generator saves your day! All it would take is a minute, or maybe lesser.


Pay Per Use: $19 for 10 articles, $75 for 50 articles, $100 for 100 articles. 

Subscription: $29/month (30 articles), $49/month (100 articles), $99/month (250 articles)

Free Trial: 

Not available. 

5. Article Builder

This AI writing tool is one of the comprehensive content generators available out there. It covers 140+ topics and offers Super Spun articles. Basically, it takes up one super high-quality article, rewrites it 25 times with the same structure, and combines it all in one unique article for you. 

Apart from this, it also offers 1.7 Gigabytes of high-quality images for your blog posts so that you can become a content-producing powerhouse!



Free Trial: 

Not available. 

6. Shortly AI

This content writing bot was acquired by and works in a similar manner. Within a click of a button, you can end your writer’s block and get your thoughts on a piece of document. You can use powerful commands, such as “/expand,” “/rewrite,” and “/shorten” to create perfect sentences, just as you like. Moreover, you can choose the length of your output, whether you want “a little,” “a lot,” or “somewhere in between.”


Monthly: $79/month

Annual: $65/year

Free Trial: 



The most important part of content writing is research, which most newbies miss out on. realized this and came up with a content automation process that is high on extensive research and low on plagiarism. 

Whether you need to write a blog post, or answer important questions with the right sources, you can do it all with this tool. Moreover, the best part is its distraction-free, clean interface that lets you focus on what matters—slight editing and generating content in minutes.  



Free Trial: 


Now, as we’ve discussed the top 7 AI writing tools for blogs, let’s quickly move onto the best ones for copywriting. 

Best content generators for copywriting

1. Zyro AI Writer

Zyro is mainly a drag-and-drop website and online store builder but has loads more to it. Its AI writer lets you write SEO-friendly copies that would increase the right traffic and improve your conversions.

All you have to do is choose a category and a sub-category that matches your business the best. Then, the tool would instantly generate quality content and you can proceed to paste it onto your website. Moreover, the best part is that it is extremely cost-effective!


Basic: $2.90/month

Unleashed: $3.90/month

eCommerce Basic: $8.90/month

eCommerce: $9.90/month

Free Trial: 

Not available. 

2. Anyword

This has to be your go-to AI writing tool when it comes to copywriting! From all social media to YouTube, products to search engines, emails to CTAs—it can write copies for all of it, and much more. 

Apart from this, it can also be used to generate blog outlines, titles, and intro paragraphs. 


Starter: $19/month

Pro: Ask for a demo

Enterprise: Ask for a demo

Free Trial: 


3. CopyPro Premier

Copypro, originally a copywriting training and certification platform, launched an AI copywriting tool specifically for marketers and entrepreneurs. At a fraction of the cost of hiring a copywriter, you can now manage your email campaigns, sales pages, ad copies, industry-specific content, and more. 

Moreover, it lets you personalize and customize your content for your specific avatar and target niche. This means unique branding and more customers!


$1,497 (one-time payment)

Free Trial: 

Not available. Offers 30-day money-back guarantee. 

And, with that, we’ve covered all the tools we could find to help you and your content team boost your marketing initiatives!

From this point forward, I’m sure you’d be able to produce your content 5x faster.

So, you could tell your people to check out the samples we’ve provided, or you can test these tools yourself and figure out which one works best for you. 

What can AI content generators not do?

Well, this is a question that’s on everybody’s mind. 

First things first, I don’t use it. The reason being that no matter how refined my inputs are, it would never be able to sprinkle my personality into it. ✨

Second, they’re a tool. A software. 

And just like every other software in the world, it is bound to have glitches at some point. 

So, thinking that it wouldn’t have any downsides to it would be nothing but setting extremely unrealistic expectations. 

Here are some cons of using AI content generators: 

1. Bot-generated content is easily distinguishable from that of a human

No matter how engaging the generated blog post is, it would still lack a bit of human touch. Of course, you can fix that with a little editing here and there. However, there’s a chance that your readers would still figure out that it’s an AI job. 

Writing a blog is a lot more than just speaking around a topic and keeping a specific tone throughout. You have to get into the shoes of your readers, feel what they’re feeling, imagine who-how-why they’d be reading it, and so on. This is something that most content writing bots fail to capture. 

2. Knows “what” to sell, but doesn’t know “how”

Assume that you’re writing a blog to spread more awareness about your HRM software, and ultimately want your readers to sign-up for a free trial. 

Your AI content generator might give you a good output for product descriptions, however, it would still be extremely generic. After all, AI tools offer spun content by rewriting what’s already there on the internet. 

So, here’s the thing—you can ONLY sell your products and services if your copy caters to your buyer personas’ pain points. 

And this isn’t possible unless a human does some research, analyzes it, frames it into sentences, and presents a final copy that’s approved by an ideal target audience. 

3. Doesn’t dive deep into the topics

After you’ve generated a certain word count, you’ll notice that the blog isn’t diving any deeper into the topics. It keeps floating around what’s already written, or even worse, gives a duplicate output. 

This can actually double your work, because midway through the process, you’ll realize that what’s written is nothing but the same message in different words. And now you’ll have to start over again, that too without any assistance. 

Thus, we can say that AI writing bots can’t match the knowledge of a human brain, even if it collects everything that’s available on the vast network we call the internet. 

4. Can’t come up with new ideas

You might feel that this limitation is contradictory to one of the pros I mentioned earlier that said AI tools can be helpful when you run out of ideas. 

Undoubtedly, that’s true and it would work like a charm, but not for long. And that’s because at some point, you’ll have to shift your focus from driving traffic to engaging your existing customers. 

Imagine being unable to retain your loyal and loving customers because you weren’t able to communicate with them the right way. 

Therefore, you need to maintain a balance between writing blogs on, for instance, “What is Salesforce CMS?” to “How to Integrate Salesforce CMS with Marketing Cloud Content Builder?”

You wouldn’t be able to generate such a blog topic unless you brainstorm with your team. 

5. Lacks strategic direction

Let me break it to you: blogs aren’t just for brand awareness. They are supposed to get you a stream of SQLs flowing in. If not, it defeats the entire purpose of publishing them. 

In the case of a content generator, all you get is outputs based on your inputs. They may have all the features to optimize your blog for search engines and help get loads of traffic. 

However, for instance, they do not do opportunity research for your competitors that can help you potentially get on the first page of search engines, above your competitor’s blog. 

There are a lot more such things, and they all need a solid strategy. AI tools clearly lack in that department. 

How to be more strategic when it comes to content creation & distribution?

If I had to break SEO into 4 parts, I would do it based on our Agile SEO model. 

  1. Strategic Content Creation
  2. Website & Content Update 
  3. Backlinking & PR Campaigns
  4. Technical & Backlink Correction

From the above, we can see that content plays a critical role in the first 2 aspects of SEO—Strategic Content Creation and Website & Content Upgrade.

Without having a solid strategy, you cannot establish a place for yourself in your industry. Also, you cannot maintain that position without regularly updating your website and content. 

For both of that to happen—to establish and maintain your brand—you need to align your marketing strategy with SEO. This means looking beyond difficulty and volume metrics. 

If you want to expand the capabilities of your team to do this, you can check out our SEO offerings where we help enable you to work on these things.

  1. If you already have over 100 pages on your website, whether they are blogs, ebooks, or even your product or service pages, I would recommend you check out our SEO Content Upgrade.
  1. Or, if you already have a content team but lack SEO expertise, some solid strategic SEO guidance should help increase the organic results you see from your content significantly. For this,  I would recommend our SERP-Rise content strategy.

SEO is one of the most misunderstood marketing channels. It’s extremely strategic yet, it’s treated like a bunch of checklists. On average, Organic search has contributed to about 30% of the pipeline generated in the companies I’ve worked with. I don’t think businesses will embrace the strategic nature of this channel for another 5 years. This is perfect for the companies that do. Haha

—Ishaan Shakunt, Founder, Spear Growth

Thus, if you’re really looking forward to assisting your content team and making their efforts more result-driven, get in touch.

We’d love to talk about your SEO challenges and the best-fit solutions to smash each one of them. 


Khushboo Rajpal profile pic
Khushboo Rajpal

Rashmi Chimmalgi profile pic
Rashmi Chimmalgi
B2B Copywriter at SpearGrowth

B2B SaaS Copywriter to help potential business professionals get noticed their business online through exceptional content writing and stand out of from the competition.

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