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B2B SaaS Marketing Blog

Actionable resources that talk business. Driven by original research, written by true experts.

The Best Demandwell Alternative – Spear Growth

From more clicks to more MQLs, seamlessly TLDR: Spear Growth is a great alternative to Demandwell! Not only will you get...
Ishaan Shakunt

by Ishaan Shakunt

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What is a win-loss analysis and how to use it to close more deals

It’s almost the end of the year and you’re pacing yourself to meet 2023’s financial goals. You’re brainstorming,...
Nate Bagley

by Nate Bagley

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Craft Your Winning GTM Strategy: A 7-Step Guide to Thrive in the New Market

The market in 2023 has changed. The run-of-the-mill strategies won’t work with the new-age customers. The change is th...
Ishaan Shakunt

by Ishaan Shakunt

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The Best Demandwell Alternative – Spear Growth

From more clicks to more MQLs, seamlessly TLDR: Spear Growth is a great alternative to Demandwell! Not only will you get everything you were getting with...
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What is a win-loss analysis and how to use it to close more deals

It’s almost the end of the year and you’re pacing yourself to meet 2023’s financial goals. You’re brainstorming, scribbling, and figuring out ways to increase...
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Craft Your Winning GTM Strategy: A 7-Step Guide to Thrive in the New Market

The market in 2023 has changed. The run-of-the-mill strategies won’t work with the new-age customers. The change is the market calls for a revamped GTM strategy.  You...
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How To Accurately Measure the Success of Your SEO Strategy?

SEO teams often feel like mad scientists sitting in the corner. Even with all the technical know-how, they struggle to put their expertise into action. Their biggest...
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Where to find GA Universal Analytics (UA) options in GA4?

This is a ready reference for those exploring migration to GA 4 for their analytics. This blog shares a 1-on-1 mapping between options in GA UA and corresponding...
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Need more reliable BOFU content ideas? Find high-converting ideas here

Communicating with leads when they are almost ready to buy (at the bottom of the funnel) is exciting; your eyes (almost) turn to green dollars with the anticipation...
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MarTech Buying Guide for B2B SaaS: Calendar Schedulers

Disclaimer: These are our personal views. This information is based on our experience while working with Seed A to Seed C B2B SaaS companies. Scheduling a...
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The Ultimate MarTech Guide – Collective MarTech Wisdom from World’s Most Trusted MarTech Professionals

If you think of an ultimate MarTech guide, you would think of: systems of records, systems of programs, apps, suites, super apps, platforms!  Oh, and...
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Don’t start B2B cold emailing before you read this (Templates + Examples)

If you are a SaaS marketer who is starting lead generation with their first cold email campaign, there are three critical questions you might want answered: What...
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Boost Conversions with these Email Segmentation Examples

Are you still sending the same emails to your entire list and not getting any results or engagements? Here’s what you are missing!  Imagine you have...
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A Guide to Building Good SEO-Developer Relationships

Making modifications to websites or applications and getting everything lined up is what an SEO specialist does daily. If you’re one, and if you’re aptly...
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SEO Checklist for Video Marketing

Image via Freepik Nowadays, more marketers have been switching their marketing strategies using videos. The reason is that videos are more engaging than other...
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Purpose of SEO Audits and Why Your Website Needs One

Wondering what SEO audits are and how they impact your online business? You’ve landed on the right page.  In this blog post, we’ll talk about...
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Product-led content: Marketing Strategy for SaaS that helps win B2B customers

Product-led content strategy is the secret behind the most successful SaaS businesses. Good content drives audience engagement but it is product-led content...
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Popular B2B SaaS Ad Categories & Samples [Original Research]

You might run out of ideas while creating ads! It's not easy to come up with a lot of mind-blowing ideas that make you stand out. A simple trick to...
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Agile SEO: Organic Search For In-house Teams

Historically, marketers have taught marketers, and that's how it should be. People who figure it out earlier teach people who want to do it next. Or, it...
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AI Content Generators: Industry Specific Samples (2021)

If you’re in the B2B space, you already know how important it is to create content on a regular basis. Whether you’re targeting more brand awareness,...
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190+ Brand Adjectives To Create A Unique Brand Personality

Are brand adjectives important? Do we even need to consider them in today’s marketing strategy?  Short answer: Yes. Long answer: HELL YES! What...
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Fractional Marketing: The High-Growth Secret (That Everyone Is Using)

Marketing is one of the most important aspects of your business. But sometimes, startups and mid-sized companies put their marketing initiatives on the back...