September 27, 2022

Boost Conversions with these Email Segmentation Examples

Are you still sending the same emails to your entire list and not getting any results or engagements? Here’s what you are missing! 

Imagine you have two subscribers. One is brand new, and the other is an active subscriber who often opens your emails. Does it make sense for both of them to receive the same email, considering they are at different stages of their buying journey? 

Top B2B SaaS marketers use email segmentation to turn their “one-to-many approach” into a “one-to-one personalized approach” and improve click-through rates. And, why shouldn’t they? After all, according to a HubSpot survey, focused and segmented lead nurturing emails have an 8% click-through rate compared to standard email sends, which have a 3% click-through rate.

What’s more? Segmented, targeted, and personalized emails generate 58% of all revenue

If you are not using email segmentation to your advantage, check out this article to know its importance and validation over tried-and-tested email segmentation examples

What is Email Segmentation?

Just like one size doesn’t fit all, one email doesn’t work for all, and that’s where the email segmentation strategy for B2B SaaS brands comes into play.  

Email segmentation is at the core of email marketing. It divides the target email subscribers into small segments based on a certain defined criteria. 

It’s a personalization tactic that helps you discover which part of your audience is more profitable for your SaaS business. 

According to the D.M.A., email segmentation can increase revenue by 760%. And even though it is a little more effort, it pays off in the long run and makes your brand stand out. 

It doesn’t necessarily require you to customize every mail. You just need to segment the main categories of your subscribers and tailor the content style according to those categories. 


What Justifies Email Segmentation?

According to a HubSpot survey, focused and segmented lead nurturing emails have an 8% click-through rate as compared to standard email sends, which have a 3% click-through rate.

And that’s not it.

While large SaaS corporations hire expert marketers to promote their brands and drive more visitors to their websites, email audience segmentation allows you to do the same without spending millions of dollars.

So, if you aren’t segmenting your email database and optimizing the content of your emails to those specific groups of contacts, you should reconsider your decision.

Here are some more email segmentation benefits:

1. Enables you to connect with your potential customers effectively

B2B SaaS companies realize the value of personalization when connecting with their target audience and know how it helps boost engagement and conversions. 

Ideally, your target customers do not want to read broad and vague content. They want a tailored experience that meets their needs, discusses their problems, and assists them in finding a solution.

2. Keeps track of who opens and who does not open your emails

It isn’t easy to find out how your content is being consumed if you don’t monitor it closely. Furthermore, sending messages that do not elicit engagement is indeed a waste of time and money.

Email list segmentation can help you identify who is going to read your emails and who isn’t. As a result, you can figure out how to persuade them to open your emails by offering stuff that excites them.


3. Boosts open and click-through rates

Typically, the subject lines of your message can inform the recipients whether the text inside is intended for them or not. By segmenting email lists, you can send the right message to relevant subscribers, increasing open and click-through rates.


4. Enables the creation of targeted promotions and campaigns

By segmenting your email list, you can define the needs and desires of each group. It allows you to create targeted campaigns for specific groups.

It also allows you to recognize your loyal subscribers so you can send them special offers, which may entice them to stay with you for a long time.

Email Segmentation Examples That Boost Conversions

If you’re a B2B SaaS company, you can find a lot of automated tools to segment your email lists. However, there are numerous manual methods and strategies to segment email lists too. Knowing about the primary segmentation methods will assist you in categorizing your subscribers into meaningful clusters.

Here’s a list of the eight most successful email segmentation examples to categorize your email subscribers.  They will assist you in selecting the best strategy for your SaaS business. 

These examples have been categorized based on a few key questions you must ask yourself about your audience.

1. What are your target audience’s demographics?

Age, gender, company position, location, language, and income level reveal a lot about a person’s preferences and needs. 

The more information you can gather about your audience during the sign-up procedures, the more demographic segmentation options you’ll have.

Let’s take the example of Finish Line, an athletic footwear brand. The company segmented its emails based on the demographics of its audience. They saw a 50% boost in revenue sales and a 2.5x increase in conversions from their website.

2. Where are they in the sales funnel?

One of the most effective ways to customize your messaging is to segment it based on where your audience is in the sales funnel.

Your emails should contain content that builds your brand’s identity and rapport with new users. And, for the ones who actively open your emails, the content should provoke them to take action. 

Additionally, you must set different goals for the users to optimize your sales funnel

3. What are the survey findings?

A survey allows you to obtain useful demographic information and perspectives on your target audience’s preferences, priorities, and opinions.

Suppose you want to send out a survey to your target audience and get a significant number of responses. In such a case you should probably offer some incentive for completing it, such as entering them into a competition to win a prize.

Alternatively, rather than pitching it as a survey, you could make it a quiz with results that interest your audience and add a fun element to it. 

At the same time, make sure it doesn’t end up overwhelming them. 

4. What kind of content do subscribers download?

You can give out valuable freebies related to your SaaS product and observe which section of your targeted subscribers is most interested in your product. 

Segmenting your emails based on the content downloaded by subscribers should give you a good idea of what kind of content or commodities you can offer them.

And this is not a one-time thing; you need to filter your target audience regularly. 

5. How often do your customers use your product?

Sending targeted emails based on how frequently your subscribers use your product is another excellent way to boost your trial-to-customer conversions and sales.

Determine your unresponsive, relaxed, and power users. You can then offer tailored advice to help reduce churn and boost trial-to-customer conversion rates.

6. Who are the subscribers who do not complete your “dual opt-in” procedure?

Make it a point to segment your email list based on the subscribers who haven’t confirmed their email subscription. Some subscribers will miss your verification email if you require a double opt-in process. Spend a few minutes segmenting your unverified subscribers and following up with a re-verification email.

7. What are the engagement statistics?

SaaS email marketing open rates are typically around 21%, which are great if we compare them to other industries. Tracking metrics like open and click-through rates can help you segment your list and significantly influence your overall results.

You can segment based on engagement by distinguishing between active and inactive users, such as an individual who hasn’t opened your emails in three months. You can then create a targeted campaign to re-engage your inactive subscribers.

Eventful, a digital media company, saw a 400% increase in its reactivation of inactive subscribers by analyzing their interaction with the site and personalizing emails.

8. What about their behavior while interacting with your SaaS website/business?

Another simple way to learn more about visitors’ interests is to monitor their website behavior.

You can, for example, send targeted emails based on the pages they’ve visited, but that is far from the only option. The amount of behavioral data that can now be collected is quite impressive. Numerous tools track visitor scrolling behavior, clicked icons, time spent on a page, visited menus, and other factors.

For example, The Clymb, an e-commerce fitness and adventure gear retailer, used advanced email segmentation and started personalizing email content and frequency based on consumer behaviors. The company could see a 71% increase in email revenue and an 8% increase in purchases after this. 

Ways to Re-engage Your Email Subscribers Using Segmentation Techniques

We know by now that email segmentation ideas help B2B SaaS businesses distinguish between active and inactive subscribers. While you can effectively nurture active subscribers, there’s just a little extra you’ll need to do for inactive subscribers.

One of the best things you can do is try and re-engage them to see if you can convert them into active subscribers.

For this, you should continuously clean, scrub, and segment your email lists to neutralize engagement rates. A re-engagement email campaign can help you feel more confident that you’re only emailing high-quality prospects and customers. It can improve the overall health of your email list and email marketing strategy. 

Here are six ideas to help you re-engage your email subscribers:

1. Identify possible reasons for disengagement

The first step in resolving an issue is to know why it exists. Once you comprehend this, you can move on and avoid making the same mistakes again. Take a step back and consider all possible reasons:

  • People no longer require your assistance. 
  • You send emails far too frequently. 
  • They have changed email addresses. 
  • Incorrect timing. 
  • You’re always attempting to sell them something. 
  • They keep hearing the same things over and over. 
  • They had a different outlook. 
  • Your content is unimportant. 
  • Your emails appear strange.

2. Figure out the best time to send your email

No one has figured out the perfect time to send an email. It all depends! An easy way is to separate your list into 2-3 sections. Send an email to each segment at different times and days. Additionally, you can do an actual split test.

3. Improve your email subject lines

Subject lines make an initial impression. Most people spend only a fraction of a second evaluating email subject fields to filter out unnecessary or irrelevant messages. Suppose the subject line does not immediately pique their interest. In that case, they will move on to the subsequent message in their inboxes, even if the main body of the email contains valuable information that is useful to their business. 

You don’t have to be the best copywriter to write subject lines that get your emails clicked on and read. You need the right tips and formulas to structure your headlines.

4. Do an email reactivation campaign.

An email reactivation campaign involves sending a special message to inactive subscribers, informing them that you want them back. This is an effective way to spark renewed interest amongst inactive email subscribers. You can use exclusive offers, discounts, personalization, promotional contests, etc., to pique their interest.

5. If all else fails, remove dormant subscribers.

As a B2B SaaS business owner and marketer, you know how much time and effort goes into strategizing, segmenting, and drafting emails. But while you may be committed to building a solid relationship, your audience may not. 

Despite your efforts to re-engage them, your subscribers may lack interest. What should you do in such a situation?

Yes. You should delete the subscribers who haven’t opened your emails in the last six to twelve months. Delete subscribers who do not respond despite your several efforts to engage.


At this point, it should be pretty evident that following the correct SaaS email marketing strategy can help reduce churn & boost your holy number – the MRR. However, your chosen strategy will eventually depend on your SaaS product and what you are trying to achieve. After all, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for email marketing.

This is precisely where SpearGrowth comes into the picture. We’re a B2B SaaS Marketing Agency helping high-growth businesses drive pipeline and revenue through ads and SEO. We’ve helped companies like Darwinbox, SuperTokens, and X0PA achieve their marketing goals over the past year, and we can help you do the same for your business. 

If you’d like to understand how we can contribute to your company’s growth, schedule a 30-mins call with us and see first-hand how a SaaS email marketing optimization strategy works.


Sukriti Taneja profile pic
Sukriti Taneja
Head of Content, SpearGrowth

Sukriti is a content and copy writer who has worked with several Indian and international clients over the past decade. She’s currently associated with Spear Growth (B2B SaaS Marketing Agency) as Head of Content. Drop by her LinkedIn or Instagram profile to say ‘Hey!’

Ishaan Shakunt profile pic
Ishaan Shakunt
Founder & Head of Marketing Strategy, SpearGrowth

Ishaan Shakunt is the founder of SpearGrowth, a B2B SaaS Marketing agency that helps high-growth companies with Ads and SEO

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